Tempus fugit! It’s been so long since our last blog we thought it was time to break cover.
The truth is we’ve been busy beavering away on a couple of writing projects, along with workshop planning and personal training.
Do check out our two most recent papers:
Hiskey, S. & Clapton, N. E. (2024) Enhancing Therapist Courage: Feasibility and Changes in Distress Tolerance and Equanimity Following Martial Arts-Based Radically Embodied Compassion Workshops OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(2), doi:10.21926/obm.icm.2402029
Clapton, N., & Hiskey, S. (2024). Radically Embodied Compassion Training: Cultivating Psychotherapist Courage, Distress Tolerance and Compassionate Responsiveness via Traditional Martial Arts. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 11(2). 71-87.
We’re really proud of these additions to our growing body of work. They spell out the rationale for our clincal workshops and present data supporting meaningful therapist change, sustained 3 months post-workshop.
We’re delighted to be able to annouce that we’re visiting Ireland again, in December 2024, although this deserves a blog entry in it’s own right. Watch this space.
For now, go well and let’s speak again soon.
Syd and Neil