How long, no way, it can't be........

Tempus fugit! It’s been so long since our last blog we thought it was time to break cover.

The truth is we’ve been busy beavering away on a couple of writing projects, along with workshop planning and personal training.

Do check out our two most recent papers:

Hiskey, S. & Clapton, N. E. (2024) Enhancing Therapist Courage: Feasibility and Changes in Distress Tolerance and Equanimity Following Martial Arts-Based Radically Embodied Compassion Workshops OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 9(2), doi:10.21926/obm.icm.2402029

 Clapton, N., & Hiskey, S. (2024). Radically Embodied Compassion Training: Cultivating Psychotherapist Courage, Distress Tolerance and Compassionate Responsiveness via Traditional Martial Arts. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 11(2). 71-87.

We’re really proud of these additions to our growing body of work. They spell out the rationale for our clincal workshops and present data supporting meaningful therapist change, sustained 3 months post-workshop.

We’re delighted to be able to annouce that we’re visiting Ireland again, in December 2024, although this deserves a blog entry in it’s own right. Watch this space.

For now, go well and let’s speak again soon.


Syd and Neil