Hi all,
After much discussion and organising Neil and I were able to meet with Chris Irons and Gabo Weiss (20th December 2019) in London. Thanks to Chris for hosting and to Gabo for travelling in from Israel!
We've been looking forward to meeting for some time now, once Chris told us of Gabo's interest in the martial arts and CFT (so right up FCMA's street).
We talked about a host of topics including intrapersonal conflict and fears blocks and resistances, in the sense that traditional martial arts aren't really about violence, more about its resolution/management. This can be a tricky concept for non-martial artists to grasp initially but is well worth grappling with.
We talked about varying elements of the CFT Threat system (both external and internal) that can be enacted in the face of conflict, before exploring an embodied experience of static stances from Traditional Karate (Gabo), Wing Chun (Syd) and Taekwondo (Neil).
Chris mentioned some research he's interested in conducting around therapist preparation for clinical sessions, which we related to assuming a 'ready' pre-stance attitude in martial arts. We discussed how this also relates to empathic bridging (see the second Chum Kui form in Wing Chun) and that once 'in touch' we are able to try and stay with distress/movement from a position of relational safeness (and physical safety).
Chris highlighted how many elite sportspeople prepare for each training session, in a way that is much less focused upon in therapy. We can likely learn much from this and the Traditional martial arts have a lot to offer here too.
Following on from this we discussed the idea of warming-down or ending an encounter, which again is formalised within most martial arts (bow, salute etc) but is typically not given much consideration in therapy.
We ended the day with a trip to a local pub (see picture) for well-earned beer.
Overall then, what a fantastic opportunity to meet a fellow martial artist with a long and rich history in his art. We hope to meet up again soon and are very much looking forward to the English translation of Gabo's book, which should be out early to mid 2020 (watch this space for more).
Here's wishing you all a peaceful holiday season.